Site Watch

This area of the website lists sites of especial concern and importance which are all wanted for mega development by developers.  These are sensitive to public feeling in the main.  In the case of the Hove Station area, (up to Old Shoreham Road) key to steering the economic fortunes of the area for decades to come.
The Engineerium is Listed as is Holy Trinity Church.  Park House and Medina House are both of local historical importance and treated with contempt by their current owners who want them demolished so they can maximise profit (they hope).  In the case of Park House, Hyde Martlet bought the site at the top of the market in 2007 and ruthlessly seek to get their money back in a market slump – hence overdevelopment.
The Sackville Hotel site was cleared following collapse of one of the most beautiful and historically significant of Hove’s 20th century buildings.
The Sackville Trading Estate is owned by the Coal Pension Board which seeks redevelopment to maximise investment income for payment of Pensions of course. 
Redevelopment is sought by Shoreham Port at the Hove end, adjacent to Hove Lagoon.